Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Added to WHO Clinical Guidelines as HIV Prevention Choice for Women

March 17, 2021—The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its clinical guidelines on antiretroviral (ARV) drugs for HIV prevention to include a recommendation for IPM’s monthly dapivirine vaginal ring as an additional choice for women at substantial risk for HIV infection, as part of combination prevention approaches. Many countries use WHO guidelines to inform their policy and programmatic guidelines.

The WHO’s recommendation, previously announced in January 2021, is based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of available scientific evidence on the product. The updated guidelines provide a summary of the evidence and outline considerations for the ring’s implementation and areas for further research. 

Expanding HIV prevention options could help meet women’s diverse needs and preferences and increase overall uptake and use, as seen in the contraceptive field. The WHO notes that offering the dapivirine ring as an additional option—along with full information and counselling on all available HIV prevention options so that women can make an informed choice—is likely to improve equity.

Read more:

  • WHO guidelines: updated recommendations on HIV prevention, infant diagnosis, antiretroviral initiation and monitoring (March 2021)
  • IPM statement on WHO's recommendation for the dapivirine ring (January 2021)
  • IPM release on WHO's prequalification of the dapivirine ring (November 2020)
  • IPM release on the European Medicines Agency's positive opinion for the dapivirine ring (July 2020)