International Women’s Day: Hear from “Real Voices” working to prevent HIV

Today, on International Women’s Day, we celebrate the tremendous political, social and economic progress women have made over the last year. We also pause to consider the work that remains to ensure women’s needs are addressed and their voices are heard.

Women’s health should be at the heart of this year’s International Women’s Day discussion – particularly the urgent need for additional tools women can use to prevent HIV and protect their own sexual and reproductive health.

In honor of today’s observance, we are launching Real Voices, a video series featuring interviews with scientists, community members, advocates and others, who share their views about the need for microbicides women can use to reduce their risk of HIV infection. This first five-minute video of the series highlights researchers and partners on the ground, who offer their reflections on the challenges women in their communities face and their hopes for the future.

It is with these hopes in mind – and a continued commitment to women’s health and equality – that we and our research partners continue to develop promising new health tools for women, including a monthly vaginal microbicide ring to prevent HIV, now in Phase III trials, and a 60-day dual-purpose ring to prevent HIV and unintended pregnancy in preclinical development.

It is our hope that these products, along with other technologies being developed across the field, will one day soon benefit women, families and communities around the world. 

Watch the video!